U.S. Waterproofing | Battery Backup Sump Pumps

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pumps

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pumps

It’s always a good idea to have a high-qual­i­ty bat­tery back­up sys­tem in your home for added peace of mind. A Bat­tery Back­up Sys­tem helps in many situations:

  • An elec­tri­cal pow­er outage
  • Tripped cir­cuit breaker
  • Pri­ma­ry Sump Pump failure
  • Major rain event

A func­tion­al sump pump is essen­tial in keep­ing your base­ment dry. 

What is the lifes­pan of a Bat­tery Back­up System?

Because these sys­tems are not used fre­quent­ly, like a pri­ma­ry sump sys­tem, you can expect to get 510 years out of your back­up sys­tem. We offer a cour­tesy check­up one year after the orig­i­nal instal­la­tion. Keep in mind, it is impor­tant to have the bat­tery checked and the sys­tem ser­viced annually. 

What are some of the dif­fer­ent types of bat­tery back­up sump pumps?

There are two basic types of bat­tery back­up sys­tems, DC and AC pumps. DC pumps are more eco­nom­i­cal and tend to run off the bat­tery and typ­i­cal­ly can­not be used as a long-term pri­ma­ry solu­tion. Where­as the AC pumps can run off the bat­tery short term, or long term off the hous­es elec­tri­cal current. 

What is the best Bat­tery Back­up Pump for my home?

U.S. Water­proof­ing offers three dif­fer­ent back up sump pumps named for their gal­lons per hour pump­ing capac­i­ty, the BOSS 2100, BOSS 3100, and BOSS 4000 Deluxe. The best bat­tery back­up pump depends on each indi­vid­ual home’s geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion as well as house size and local water table (the lev­el of mois­ture in the ground).

Do I need a Bat­tery Back­up if I have a generator?

No, you do not need a Bat­tery Back­up Pump if you have a prop­er­ly oper­at­ing gen­er­a­tor. For those who have invest­ed in an auto­mat­ic back­up gen­er­a­tor, you may want to con­sid­er a dual alter­nat­ing pri­ma­ry sump pump sys­tem. By installing a sec­ond pri­ma­ry pump in the sump basin and plug­ging both pumps into an alter­nat­ing con­troller, this gives the home­own­er, total peace of mind. 

Why choose U.S. Water­proof­ing for your bat­tery back­up sump pump?

We are the sump pump experts. BOSS pumps offer what mat­ters most with sump pumps — reli­a­bil­i­ty. U.S. Water­proof­ing is com­mit­ted to unmatched cus­tomer ser­vice and get­ting the job done right the first time. Sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion today.

Our Line­up of Exclu­sive Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pumps

Logo Boss 2100

Best-in-Class DC Pump

Bet­ter than the big box brands. No assem­bly required.
The eco­nom­i­cal, reli­able solu­tion for pro­tect­ing your basement.

Logo Boss 3100

Pro­fes­sion­al Grade AC/DC System

World-class pow­er. Uncom­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty.
A reli­able, pro­fes­sion­al-grade sys­tem that is built to last, no mat­ter what the weath­er has in store.

Logo Boss 4000Deluxe

Next Gen­er­a­tion Dual Pump Technology

The future has arrived.
A com­plete pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary sump pump in one sys­tem. Two pumps alter­nate­ly run through­out the year, max­i­miz­ing both pump and bat­tery life.

Learn more about Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pumps.